Latest Environment Stories
This Jurassic-era ‘sea murderer’ was among the first of its kind
How did mummified mice end up on volcanoes in the Atacama Desert?
Natural disasters can burn out our hormonal systems for years
Climate change has toppled some civilizations but not others. Why?
You can now track NYC subway rats in this popular transit app
Aging US energy grid will get a largest-ever $3.5 billion boost
The best bird feeder cameras in 2023
Becki Robins
Bird Buddy Smart Bird Feeder review: A camera that’s not just for the birds
Prehistoric shark called Kentucky home 337 million years ago
Finally, a smart home for chickens
Atlantic City’s massive offshore wind farm project highlights the industry’s growing pains
Atlantic hurricanes are getting stronger faster than they did 40 years ago
The best air purifiers for 2023
It’s not too late to stop a bass invasion in the Colorado River
Ben Goldfarb / High Country News
Small planes are still spewing toxic lead across the US, EPA says
Female honeybees may pass down ‘altruistic’ genes
The world’s hottest chili pepper is worse than bear spray
Europeans ate a lot more seaweed 8,000 years ago
This off-roading, solar-powered vehicle just sped across the Sahara
12-million-year-old ape skull bares its fangs in virtual reconstruction
US will build seven regional ‘hydrogen hubs’ to spark clean energy transition
China says it discovered potentially vast amounts of a rare superconducting material
Wildlife exits on Texas roads could help endangered ocelots
Galapagos giant tortoises are restoring their own ecosystem
Syris Valentine/Hakai Magazine
Climate change could help fungal diseases thrive
Shreya Dasgupta/Knowable Magazine
The best dog nail grinders of 2023
You can help measure the ocean’s health with this homemade gadget
This year’s heaviest pumpkin could be baked into 700 pies
People send 20 billion pounds of ‘invisible’ e-waste to landfills each year
AI could consume as much energy as Argentina annually by 2027
Female frogs appear to play dead to avoid mating
This tell-tail sign means your cat likes you
11 fiery shots of fall foliage around the US
A new Google AI project wants to improve the timing of traffic lights
What the US Coast Guard found on their last OceanGate Titan salvage mission
Fierce mama Grazer takes 2023’s Fat Bear Week crown
New neon-yellow snail from the Florida Keys gets a happy hour-ready name
Oyster-inspired sponges can scoop up nearly invisible nanoplastics in the ocean
4 capybara facts you’ll love, and 1 you’d like to forget
Tree plantations try to offset our carbon pollution. Here’s the problem.
This climate crisis map shows how vulnerable your neighborhood is
This nuclear byproduct is fueling debate over Fukushima’s seafood
Disease plagues Tasmanian devils—except for on one island
Jessica Wynne Lockhart/Hakai Magazine
The world’s most powerful computer could soon help the US build better nuclear reactors
USDA bans French poultry imports over avian influenza vaccine
Humans are now the African savannah’s top predator
Rocks may be able to release carbon dioxide as well as store it
Do all geese look the same to you? Not to this facial recognition software.
Mammals may use same-sex sexual behavior for conflict resolution, bonding, and more
How we can help the most endangered class of animals survive climate change
This robot trio mimics the life cycle of a frog
No two parakeets sound exactly the same
Robotic ‘Super Monster Wolves’ are guarding Japanese towns against bears
4 reasons dinosaurs never really ruled the Earth
America’s war in Afghanistan devastated the country’s environment in ways that may never be cleaned up
Lynzy Billing/Inside Climate News
The best outdoor bug zappers of 2023
This fluffy anteater could be a new species
‘Dark’ archaeologists scour melting ice for ancient artifacts
Why are these orcas harassing porpoises? Scientists have 3 theories.
This 6-million-year-old turtle shell still has some DNA
The best vacuums for pet hair of 2023
The EPA wants to tighten up their ‘zero-emission’ building definition
A boiling hot supercontinent could kill all mammals in 250 million years
How many ancient humans does it take to fight off a giant hyena?