Latest Biology Stories
Researchers Create the World’s First Fully Synthetic, Self-Replicating Living Cell
Protein in Cow Brains Holds Promise for Alternative Energy
Yard-Long Undersea Bug Terrorizes Robo-Sub, Internet
Transgenic Musclebound Trout with Six-Pack Abs Could Arrive Soon on Your Dinner Plate
FYI: Why Do Ducks Have Orange Feet?
DARPA Wants to Override Evolution to Make Immortal Synthetic Organisms
Moscow’s Stray Dogs Evolving Greater Intelligence, Including a Mastery of the Subway
8 Percent of Human Genome Was Inserted By Virus, and May Cause Schizophrenia
Glowing Prairie Rodents Teach Us the Genetics Of Monogamy
Vatican Ponders the Existence Of Alien Life
How Much Power Does The Human Brain Require To Operate?
Kissing Evolved To Spread Germs, Not Feelings
Chinese Scientists Engineer the World’s Smartest Rat
How Your Body Packs Two Meters of DNA Into a Six-Micron Cell Nucleus
Electron Microscopes Powered by Quantum Mechanics Could See Through Living Cells
Genetically Engineered Bacteria To Mine For Gold
DNA Transplantation Yields Monkeys with One Father, Two Mothers
Scientist Vows To Reverse-Engineer Dinosaur From Chicken
Harnessing Lightning Bolts to Build Artificial Organs
The Year’s Coolest New Species
The Pros and Cons of Asexual Reproduction
A, T, G, C and What?
Strange Life Forms Populate the Earth
Cellular Lego animations
What a Difference 200,000 Years Makes
Totally Tubular
Nature’s Grossest Creatures
Living Fossils
Genetic Material Found on Meteorite
For Treating Blindness, Scientists Look to Algae
Future Human: The Evolution of Immediate Emotion
The Octopus Dating Game
Nobel Prize Winner Retracts Paper
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Do Cells Make Noise?
Porn Helps Human Sperm Gear Up for Competition
Siri Steiner