Latest Biology Stories
What head lice can tell us about human migration
Endangered sea turtles build hundreds of nests on the Outer Banks
North America was once home to some unusual wild monkeys
Rats may have imaginations
When a Jurassic giant died, predatory dinos probably feasted on the carcass
The sea star’s whole body is a head
We still don’t fully know how sunflowers turn toward the sun
Giant prehistoric lamprey likely sucked blood—and ate flesh
Newfound mosasaur was like a giant Komodo dragon with flippers
Why ladybugs and ‘Halloween beetles’ are everywhere right now
Your brain’s ‘master switchboard’ is an underappreciated marvel
Wild chimpanzees show signs of potential menopause—a rarity in the animal kingdom
Bumblebees carbo-load on the fly
This Jurassic-era ‘sea murderer’ was among the first of its kind
Prehistoric shark called Kentucky home 337 million years ago
Female honeybees may pass down ‘altruistic’ genes
Unraveled nerves and mesmerizing caffeine crystals: 10 sensational glimpses of the microscopic realm
12-million-year-old ape skull bares its fangs in virtual reconstruction
Galapagos giant tortoises are restoring their own ecosystem
Syris Valentine/Hakai Magazine
Climate change could help fungal diseases thrive
Shreya Dasgupta/Knowable Magazine
AI design for a ‘walking’ robot is a squishy purple glob
Neanderthals may have hunted mighty cave lions
New human brain atlas is the most detailed one we’ve seen yet
Female frogs appear to play dead to avoid mating
Titanium-fused bone tissue connects this bionic hand directly to a patient’s nerves
Fierce mama Grazer takes 2023’s Fat Bear Week crown
Sensitive to pain? It could be your Neanderthal gene variants.
New neon-yellow snail from the Florida Keys gets a happy hour-ready name
4 capybara facts you’ll love, and 1 you’d like to forget
A newly discovered sauropod dinosaur left behind some epic footprints
Do the ancient human footprints at White Sands date back to the last ice age?
A new noninvasive patch could monitor a vital hormone
An ‘electronic tongue’ could help robots taste food like humans
Mammals may use same-sex sexual behavior for conflict resolution, bonding, and more
How we can help the most endangered class of animals survive climate change
No two parakeets sound exactly the same
4 reasons dinosaurs never really ruled the Earth
Why are these orcas harassing porpoises? Scientists have 3 theories.
This 6-million-year-old turtle shell still has some DNA
What really happens during a near-death experience
A boiling hot supercontinent could kill all mammals in 250 million years
How carrots get their trademark orange color
How many ancient humans does it take to fight off a giant hyena?
A fossilized trilobite stomach can show us clues to Cambrian cuisine
Mysterious ‘fairy circles’ may appear on three different continents
The mathematical theory that connects swimming sperm, zebra stripes, and sunflower seeds
Meet the first electric blue tarantula known to science
Earth’s stinkiest flower is threatened with extinction
The deepest known ocean virus lives under 29,000 feet of water
Nature generates more data than the internet … for now
Pollen could hold clues to mysteries of early human migration
These 24-eyed jellyfish learn from their mistakes
Humans might just love French bulldogs because they remind them of babies
These parasitic plants force their victims to make them dinner
As humans get louder, monkeys mark more territory
This parasite deploys mucus slime balls to make ‘zombie ants’
World’s oldest living aquarium fish could be 100 years young
‘Jet lag’ could be messing with pandas’ natural mating behaviors
Can animals give birth to twins?
Michael Jaffe and Tracy Jaffe/The Conversation
Why your pet might need a glucose monitor
Gwendolyn Rak
What songbirds can teach us about being smart
We still don’t know how animals evolved to fly
Virgin Galactic’s latest cargo? Ancient human bones
These crow relatives put food over friendship