Latest Archaeology Stories
Inside the project to bring ‘self-healing’ Roman concrete to American shorelines
A gold-laced mummy could be the ‘oldest and most complete’ specimen found in Egypt
This teen mummy was buried with dozens of gold amulets
Ancient Egyptians had a unique way of mummifying crocodiles
A lost temple for Poseidon may have finally been rediscovered
Cave drawings from 20,000 years ago may feature an early form of writing
A ship from the 16th century was just dredged up in England
Ancient social networks spread pottery trends across the world
An archeologist’s quest to find seafood’s place on the ancient Mediterranean menu
Paul Greenberg / Hakai Magazine
This ancient language puzzle was impossible to solve—until a PhD student cracked the code
The Aztecs’ solar calendar helped grow food for millions of people
People in China have been harvesting rice for more than 10,000 years
Storm erosion brings 200-year-old shipwreck to the surface of a Florida beach
For thousands of years, kids have been fascinated with owls
These ‘fake’ ancient Roman coins might actually be real
Tomb of a forgotten queen is one of several new stunning Egyptian discoveries
Scientists still are figuring out how to age the ancient footprints in White Sands National Park
Ancient ivory comb shows that self-care is as old as time
Climate change is threatening archeological treasures from Alaska to Egypt
Sex, not violence, could’ve sealed the fate of the Neanderthals
This Renaissance-era baby died from living in darkness for a year
These now-extinct whales were kind of like manatees
Who invented music?
Laura Dallman / The Conversation
Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientist who sequenced Neanderthal genome
Cacao was probably loved by all, even 1,000 years ago in Maya culture
2022 Ig Nobel Prize winners include ducks in a row, constipated scorpions, ice cream, and more
A 31,000-year-old grave in Indonesia holds the earliest known amputation patient
A centuries-old horse tooth holds clues to the mystery of the Chincoteague ponies
DNA from plague victims’ teeth may unravel the origin of Black Death
What ancient graves can teach us about the history of inequality
Carles Lalueza-Fox / MIT Press
Shifting ancient climates shaped human evolution
Anthropologists are still wrestling with their obligations to the living and dead
Can ancient smells help us time travel through human history?
What an extraterrestrial archaeological dig could tell us about space culture
The ancient Mexican city of Monte Albán thrived with public works, not kings
Earthquake models get a big shakeup with clues buried in the San Andreas fault
Ancient DNA paints a vivid picture of early humans in Africa
Sawchuk et al. / The Conversation
Has Captain Cook’s lost ship been found? Maybe.
Humans probably didn’t mean to tame sheep and goats
Horned helmets came from Bronze Age artists, not Vikings
Medieval knights rode tiny horses into battle
These skeletons might be evidence of the oldest known mercury poisonings
The biggest ancient city you’ve probably never heard of is in Illinois
Is it time to change the way we talk about human evolution?
X-rays are revealing new clues about a shipwreck from 1545
Ancient poop proves that humans have always loved beer and cheese
Ancient humans might have bred one of the scariest birds on the planet
These footprints could push back human history in the Americas
How Scotland forged a rare alliance between amateur treasure hunters and archaeologists
Women In The Middle Ages Dressed Better Than Men
These centuries-old tombs in Sudan are arranged in galaxy-like clusters
Centuries-old tools reveal how the Chikasha people fought off conquistadors
A discovery found in Germany’s ‘Unicorn Cave’ hints at Neanderthal art
What a 5,000-year-old plague victim reveals about the Black Death’s origins
The debate over ‘Dragon Man’ shows that human origins are still kind of messy
Human Remains Found In 2,000-Year-Old Antikythera Shipwreck
Humans may have arrived in the Americas 15,000 years earlier than we thought
This Mud Could Revolutionize How Scientists Study The Past
The earliest known human burial in Africa was a carefully laid down child
Archaeologists finally uncovered some of the mystery behind Laos’s Plain of Jars
Crystals and eggshells tell a 105,000-year-old story of humans in the Kalahari Desert
Your favorite brunch foods are thousands of years old
What archaeologists got wrong about female statues, goddesses, and fertility
Dire wolves are actually ice age mega-foxes