Latest Outdoor Gear Stories
It takes more than rubber to make a boot sole that’s less than a millimeter thick
10 great pieces of motorcycle gear for less than $40
10 tried and tested gifts for motorcycle riders
The smartest, fastest sleds for zooming down slopes
Survive an avalanche by carrying these four key pieces of gear
This kit can help you escape dangerous situations
Here’s the gear you need to be a backyard lumberjack
Bike gear to get a beginner ready for multi-day trips
Apparel gifts for the active, outdoorsy type
Gifts for people who look like they spend a lot of time outside (but are actually just from Brooklyn)
Gifts for people who love to go camping (and their, uh, less enthusiastic friends)
This new bike helmet can automatically call for help if you crash
The best recreation gear of 2018
Berne Broudy and Rob Verger
Build a complete, lightweight camping kit that fits in a backpack
Thermacell’s Radius Zone mosquito repellent keeps your blood inside your body
Black Ember used laser-cutting and bonding to make a rugged, waterproof backpack
This kit could keep you alive in the wilderness
Jake Carps / Field & Stream
On the evolution of sneaker tech, from 1933 on
Extreme skier Davo Karnicar folds his skis
17 must-have tools for backcountry adventures
Michael R. Shea and Will Brantley / Field & Stream
Metal-detecting essentials for your next treasure hunt
Buy the last umbrella you’ll ever need
All good sunglasses have these five things
How to go ultralight camping
A desert researcher shares his essential survival gear
Three ways to safely drink found water
Gifts for your athletic (or wannabe athletic) friend
What To Look For When Purchasing A Knife For Backpacking And Camping
How An Axe-Handle Bat Is Going To Take Over Baseball
Bike Tires That Can Survive The Himalayas
Clothing Insulated With Aerogel Promises To Keep Out The Most Dire Cold
Down Jackets That Can Weather A Storm (Or Your Sweat)
A Raincoat That Will Actually Keep You Dry
Ecocapsule Provides A Hub Away From Home
6 Pieces Of Gear To Turn You Into A Winter Warrior
This Ski Gear Adapts— So You Don’t Have To
This Grill Packs Power
Engineering The Perfect Surfboard
A Motorcycle Helmet For The Digital World
This Backpack Can Save You From An Avalanche
This Jacket Keeps Warmth In, While Letting Sweat Out
Coconut Husks Make For A Stronger, Lighter Paddleboard
Reinvented Wheel Is A Square
With A New Core Material, Skis Can Handle Both Powder And Ice
BioLite CampStove Review: Cook Your Food And Charge Your Gadgets In The Wilderness
The First Cooling Shirt That Lowers Body Temperature
A Wood-Burning Camp Stove That Doubles As A Gadget Charger
A Recumbent Tricycle Allows Those Who Have Trouble Balancing to Cycle
Jordan Kooi of Lynden High School, Lynden, Washington, as told to Flora Lichtman
Sleek Urban Hive Lets You Keep Bees in the Comfort of Your Apartment
A New Spin on Road Bike Frames Smooths Your Ride
For Safety and Control, the Metal Bat Gets Reinvented
Inflatable Motorcycle Suit Provides Instant Crash Protection
The Future of Snowsports Tech
Megan Michelson and the Skiing Magazine staff
SeaDoo’s 255-Horsepower RXT iS: The World’s Most Advanced Jet Ski Tried to Rip My Face Off
The Tent That Can Withstand 132mph winds
Space-Age Ice Scraper