Latest Nutrition Stories
The 5-Second Rule Is Still Not Real
In Italy, Parents Who Force Vegan Diet Could Go To Jail
It’s Not Just Meat: Carbs Can Raise Cancer Risk, Too
Overload Of Gut Bacteria Can Stunt Children’s Growth
Yes! Deep-Frying Vegetables Makes Them More Nutritious
Genetically Modified Limes Are Purpler and More Healthful
Chipotle: Our Food Is So Fresh, It Could Make You Sick
Here’s What Happens To Your Body If You Eat 10 McRib Sandwiches
Caramel Apples Can Give You Food Poisoning
Peanut CEO Gets Harshest Food Safety Penalty Ever
A Genetic Database Will Identify What’s Really In Our Food
Does The 5-Second Rule Hold Up Scientifically?
Paul Dawson/The Conversation
Genetically Modified Plants Could Eliminate Food Poisoning
Are Vitamins And ‘Natural’ Supplements Good For You?
New Sugar Substitute: Nanoparticles Of Sand Coated In Sugar
Eating Carbs Helped Humans Develop Big Brains
Are Your Leftovers Still Safe To Eat? Avoid Food Poisoning With These 5 Tests
Where do trans fats come from, and why are they so bad?
You Could Eat Fast Food After A Workout To Build Muscle
Cook Rice Differently To Reduce Its Calories
Your Sandwich Is A Sodium Bomb
Striving For The Perfect Diet Is Making Us Sick
USDA Approves A Genetically Modified Potato With Possible Health Benefits
Artificial Sweeteners May Contribute to Metabolic Disorders
Teasing Out Fact From Hype In The War On Fructose
Yogurt Maker Chobani Sick Of Scientists Ruining Everything
What Happens When Mice Eat Nothing But Powdered Food
Taco Bell Page Explains Its ‘Unpronounceable’ Ingredients
How Nutrition In One Generation Can Change The Genetics Of The Next
FYI: Can You Overdose On Halloween Candy?
40 Years Of U.S. Nutrition Data Is “Fatally Flawed” and “Physiologically Implausible”
What Eating Crickets Is Really Like
[Updated] Study: Sugar-Munching Mice Die Earlier
Engineered Golden Rice May Be Planted Soon In Philippines
Could This Liquid Replace Food?
Caleb Hannan
Green Coffee Bean Extract Probably Won’t Help You Lose Weight
How I Survived A Week Without Food
Eating Yogurt Does Weird Things To Your Brain
Science Confirms The Obvious: Fast Food Is Pretty Bad For You
People Think Candy Bars With Green Nutrition Labels Are Healthier
Why You Can’t Stop Eating Cheetos
A Cheeky Guide To Eating Like A Caveman
FDA Says Giant, Genetically Modified Salmon Is Environmentally Safe
Can Eating Buckyball-Infused Olive Oil Prolong Your Lifespan?
An Ultra-Low-Calorie, Low-Carb Diet is Sufficient to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes, Study Finds
This Week, FDA Considers Genetically Engineered Salmon for Human Consumption
Future Nissan Cars Will Spray Vitamin C to Keep Passengers Healthy
Lay’s Changing Basic Shape of Salt Crystals for Healthier Potato Chips
Coming Soon: A Radiant Cooker That Can Deep-Fry Foods Without Oil
How to make quick pickles
Gatorade Files Lawsuit Against Powerade
The Unusual Suspects
Jill Waldbieser
Can People Safely Eat Cat Food?
Shades of green
Agave nectar, a sweetener for any occasion
Dude, Where’s My Bacon Cheeseburger?