Latest Sustainability Stories
Burning wood pellets won’t help us fight climate change
Are ‘clean’ cosmetics better for us than other beauty products?
Can planting more trees keep cities from heating up?
Will we ever be able to recycle all our plastic?
Thrift shopping is an environmental and ethical trap
A geomagnetic curveball 42,000 years ago changed our planet forever
These oranges are for a lot more than juicing
Carlos C. Olaechea/Saveur
Products to reduce the amount of garbage in your life
Citizens of Mauritius are cleaning up a major oil spill themselves
Gene-edited cows could make meat more sustainable. But would people eat it?
Dyllan Furness/Undark
Five burning questions about tequila, answered
Save money and protect the environment by repurposing your old outdoor gear
Anglers in Virginia reeled in a 700-pound tuna, then threw a dinner party
Doug Howlett/Field & Stream
How musicians like Radiohead and Massive Attack are making their tours less stressful on the environment
The Philadelphia Eagles are driving the NFL toward a greener future
It’s not easy being green, but it doesn’t have to be expensive
Your Christmas tree’s environmental impact has nothing to do with whether it’s real or fake
Bert Cregg/The Conversation
A carbon-neutral burger? It’s not impossible.
A guide to ensuring your Diwali festivities keep the Earth happy, too
Save the world by saving your plants’ seeds
A guide to eco-friendly travel
What’s the best straw?
What kind of reusable bag is best for the planet?
We need a greener way to die
Stuff you can buy that’ll help you use less water
Here’s a planet-friendly diet that’s not vegan
These sandals replace petroleum with sugarcane. How smug can I be about wearing them?
These six products only get better with age
Eleven easy ways you can help save the planet this Earth Day
Staying in is good for the environment
Hospitals are scrambling to solve their air pollution issue
Companies are realizing that renewable energy is good for business
This smart window uses electricity to quickly change from clear to dark
Here’s how you can actually help stop climate change
How to make sewage drinkable
We’re Catching Millions Of Tons More Fish Each Year Than We Report
Mealworms Can Happily And Safely Eat Styrofoam
6 Things You Should Know About Lab Diamonds
Saving The Planet Could Save Your Life
Now You Can 3D-Print Objects Made Of Wood Fibers
NASA-Sponsored Study Warns Of Possible Collapse Of Civilization
8 Steps To Sustainable Meat And Milk
Where Plastic Goes
The Garbage Man
Thermal Wristband Keeps Your Body At The Perfect Temperature
Electric Spray Paint Could Turn Any Surface Into a Battery
How a Lab of College Students Invented the World’s Best Home Blast-Chiller
How Dubuque Is Becoming The Smartest City In America
Trees Infused With Glowing Nanoparticles Could Replace Streetlights
Bio-Manufactured Bricks Are Made at Room Temperature From Bacteria, Sand and Urine
The Green Dream gets ready for a green roof
White-out at 65 miles per hour
Green Dream: The Swiss cheese staircase
PopSci DIY: a newspaper baler, updated from the archives
Green Guitars
PopSci 5-Minute Project video: CD dumbbell
Fly? Or Drive?
A six-pack of “light” beer
Hacking the Esquire e-ink cover
The Living Museum
The DIY solar charger
Going with the wind